Is 2020 The Year for you?
The only reason I am writing this blog post is to free myself of the guilt of not writing very often in twenty nineteen. I am guilty of not improving on my writing and not being active on the website. Somewhere in the last year, I decided that I had to focus more on my academics and keep my hobbies aside. But, for the worst. I have seen my habit of writing or the drive to sit and write diminish with each passing month of the last year. Surprisingly even with my absence, the website did better than the previous year and that makes me more guilty thinking about what could have been achieved if I had written regularly, FOMO. As I sit here writing this, I only know how much I have to push myself to do this. It takes twenty-one days to form a habit. It takes less than a week plus the gravy of self-doubt to break that habit.

So, is twenty-twenty the year for you and me? Let me just start by slaying your new year’s motivation by a blunt, No. Nada. This is not the year for you. But this is a year which when combined with all the rest of your years is going to make you the person you were meant to be. Although of my absence from the internet scene in the past year. Twenty nineteen had been an important year. I cleared some really important exams, got a job, spoke in front of three hundred students (which I never thought was possible), did a fundraiser for my documentary, recorded an important interview, lost my beloved Goofy and the most important, was disciplined and spent more time with God. Twenty nineteen was just another year but I saw myself growing in it. So, here are some things or “reflections” for you from twenty-nineteen.
Faith can move mountains try adding work with it. It can move you!
Let’s just say that I had faith all these years. Last year I did the work too. The outcome gave me confidence over myself that I had lost somewhere in the past. But in my analysis, I find that faith still has more weight over-work. Faith will give you the confidence and the drive to look out for your dreams. Work is required after Faith. Yes, faith is always first. Sadly, many I see, don’t have faith and are just drifting. As if being a pawn with no control over their life. Interestingly some even enjoy this approach towards life. How they do it? I still wonder. You’ve got to be a believer! I draw my faith from Jesus Christ. That has made all the difference for me. Knowing that JC has my back covered is good enough for me to start the day.
A team doesn’t need a leader. It needs the same motive.
If you have a team. Listen to them and give them space to work. Don’t pester them with deadlines. People don’t like deadlines. On the contrary, you may live off deadlines as I do. People don’t. We are going towards a very informal work culture where there is no place for overlookers. If people are together with the same motive. The work will be done. What we require are people who are able to assemble a team of like-minded people. Remember Fury from the marvel universe? That’s it.
Twenty Nineteen will be the year I really understood my way around people. There are many people with dreams, there are a chosen few with the vision to see it. Personally, I had issues with what people close to me were doing with their life. I sometimes tended to tell them what to do. That was a big mistake. Never tell people what to do, even if it’s for their success. It’ll have a backlash on you. You’ll end up with bad relationships. Always instruct them in ways to enable them to figure things out themselves.
You can find hope in the smallest of things.
A paragraph of the most lengthy book, a song, a phone call from my sister, random youtube videos and discussions of people I look up to. All gave me hope in the worst of moments in twenty nineteen. Previously I would shut myself out from the world. What I did differently this year, was that I became available. I started interacting with people I did not like. Reading when I didn’t want to. I had some really embarrassing conversations and in that process, I became available to people to interact and these smallest of things gave me hope.
Have a good company. That’s very important. A good chunk of my life in the last year is spent interacting with like-minded people. In the process, I’ve built up relationships that I never thought were possible.
Consistency can have a surprising reward!
My biggest failure was that I did not post every day on Instagram. Something that I promised and wanted to do but failed because of other commitments. I know of no other example of consistency that is apt to us, other than Casey Neistat. Casey posted regular vlogs on Youtube and his growth as a filmmaker is exceptional. Consistency is required in every aspect of our life because consistency builds up our habits. Consistency in your sleeping times to consistency in your reading habits. Consistency can help you improve and grow multi-folds. Try it this year! I was able to be consistent in many other things throughout this year. Many academic courses that people usually skip. I was able to complete it because of my consistent work.
Shut down the voices!
I’ve had some really bad opinions and guidance come along my way. As much as I hated being a part of those conversations. They helped me figure out who not to listen to in the coming year. There are many people in your circle who talk as if the world revolves around them. Who tells you how in a wrong way you are doing something. How the path you’ve chosen is doomed. Don’t listen to them.
As much as a bad company affects you. Your own consciousness affects you far greater. The voice that brings self-doubt is something you should stop listening to. But never miss out on the small voice that tells you to take the rough road. That somehow looks for the best in you.
Have a little faith this year. Put in the work and be consistent with it. Pray and be thankful.