Procrastinator? You bet! | Shikha’s Story
I think its safe to say that we all are procrastinators in some or the other way. But imagine this, you have to present the Life and work of Adolf Dassler (founder of Addidas) to an audience of more than 50 people at 9 A.M. the next day. At 00:00 – with much planning you sit down at your desk ready to start, the blank presentation file staring at your face. You have a plan in mind and your all set to go but wait, “Isn’t that movie scene where Cooper docks his ranger with a spinning module while travelling through space just legit?! I think it deserves another watch.” At 01:38 – “Man, that scene is Great! And so is the rest of the movie.” Do you see my problem here? Interestingly, it’s hard to put a tag on how extensive it is. Astounded by just how cool I can be on the night before a major presentation, I close the VLC to realize its now only 9 hours to 9! A hint of panic sets off a wave “Let’s get this started!” and it happens, the work begins. But before long, Chuck (My dear brain) whispers “You have been up since 7 am and had a full schedule today?” He goes on to make a tempting but rational offer. “Its almost 2 am, why don’t you sleep for 2 hours and then get started?” Chuck’s a logical guy and he backs his suggestions with rational explanations mind you! “You’ll be rested, you’ll be fresh and you’ll work better after that 2-hour nap“. Who wouldn’t follow this sound advice? Unless you know that you might find yourself sleeping till 6 am instead of 4. Yes, that happened. When 06:00 hazes in front of your eyes, it’s like a flip of the switch. You are scared to count the hours you are left with now, so you start working straight – reading bits and pieces of Adi’s story, you skip to the high points and add them to the presentation. You search for pictures to add and you can’t decide on one because there are so many! “I wish I had more time“. Chuck goes “Well, you had. You should know when not to listen to me, dope.” When there are just 2.5 hours instead of 9, suddenly you are the most productive person you have ever met! Its 8:40 now and its time go (to get dressed-eat-and-go). You manage to leave the house at 08:55 and rush.
“I hate the rush, I really do,” I tell that to myself every day while I rush to class. Anyways, you get there and do more of a verbal presentation than visual and it goes fairly well. They clap, and you know its over. Hearing the applause you might even think that those 2.5 hours were worth it. Maybe, maybe not. Reaching home and flinging the bag onto the chair, you let out a sigh of relief. “I hate the rush, thank God its over!” “Shikha, you could have done so much better if you’d started earlier” Logical Chuck had some feedback for me. “Yes, that’s true. But do you know what I’m thinking of right now, Chuck? Time to sleep!” PS: If you are a procrastinator you might enjoy this: Inside the mind of a procrastinator

August 30, 2018 @ 11:41
Well, since you are speaking of procrastination. Have you ordered the books I asked you to?
September 22, 2018 @ 14:45
No response is also a response! 😛