Prostitution on the World map

Whether or not Prostitution is legal in a country is quite a superficial question. The subject of Prostitution is more like an onion; there are numerous layers to it. Exceptions are to be made and unsaid rules are to be followed in spite of the laws in place. Each country has a different set of laws and cultural boundaries that determine how the country and their societies look at prostitution.

In India, we do not appreciate prostitution (or do we?), but it is not completely illegal. Getting paid for sexual favors is not seen as prostitution by the Indian Penal Code and people can indulge in sex for whatever reasons that suit them. The social relaxation being: one cannot do it in a public place or in a 200-yard radius of a public place. Related activities that are not legal according to the Indian Law are: (source)

  • Soliciting sexual services at public places.
  • Carrying out commercial sex activities in Hotels.
  • Kerb crawling.
  • Pandering.
  • Being an owner of a brothel or running one.
  • Pimping.

In a nutshell, “The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956, does not criminalize prostitution or prostitutes per se; but it does punish acts of third-party facilitation of prostitution, like brothel-keeping, living on the earnings of prostitutes or procuring a person for the sake of prostitution… So long as prostitution itself is not a crime, the individual act of a girl who offers her services on phone cannot be prohibited. If a call-girl does not parade her charms in the public, or indulge in soliciting or in other prohibited acts of like nature, she cannot be held guilty.”, says procondotorg.

List of Countries with their Prostitution law status.

As said earlier, categorizing the countries of the world in an aforementioned subdivision (legal or illegal) is not the final answer to the vastness of this question. This page will be updated regularly with detailed information about laws of each country with a better grip on the understanding of how these laws vary from country to country.


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  1. Argentina
  2. Austria
  3. Bangladesh
  4. Belgium
  5. Belize
  6. Bolivia
  7. Brazil
  8. Bulgaria
  9. Chile
  10. Colombia
  11. Costa Rica
  12. Cuba
  13. Cyprus
  14. Czech Republic
  15. Denmark
  16. Dominican Republic
  17. Ecuador
  18. El Salvador
  19. Estonia
  20. Ethiopia
  21. Finland
  22. Germany
  23. Greece
  24. Guatemala
  25. Honduras
  26. Hungary
  27. India
  28. Indonesia
  29. Israel
  30. Italy
  31. Kenya
  32. Kyrgyzstan
  33. Latvia
  34. Luxembourg
  35. Malta
  36. Mexico
  37. Netherlands
  38. New Zealand
  39. Nicaragua
  40. Panama
  41. Paraguay
  42. Peru
  43. Poland
  44. Portugal
  45. Senegal
  46. Singapore
  47. Slovakia
  48. Slovenia
  49. Spain
  50. Switzerland
  51. Turkey
  52. Uruguay
  53. Venezuela


  1. Afghanistan
  2. Albania
  3. Angola
  4. Antigua and Barbuda
  5. Bahamas
  6. Barbados
  7. Cambodia
  8. China
  9. Croatia
  10. Dominica
  11. Egypt
  12. Grenada
  13. Guyana
  14. Haiti
  15. Iran
  16. Iraq
  17. Jamaica
  18. Jordan
  19. Korea, North
  20. Korea, South
  21. Liberia
  22. Lithuania
  23. Philippines
  24. Romania
  25. Rwanda
  26. Saint Kitts and Nevis
  27. Saint Lucia
  28. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  29. Saudi Arabia
  30. South Africa
  31. Thailand
  32. Trinidad and Tobago
  33. Uganda
  34. United Arab Emirates

Legal but regulated

  1. Armenia
  2. Australia
  3. Canada
  4. France
  5. Iceland
  6. Ireland
  7. Japan
  8. Malaysia
  9. Norway
  10. Suriname
  11. Sweden
  12. United Kingdom
  13. United States