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Welcome to Sowers.
Sowers is a mission aimed at sparking off social change, everywhere. Our generation and society still hold uncharted territories of the Human instinct that need to be talked about more than ever before. We aspire to initiate discussions on issues that would otherwise be never heard about. We talk about them, we write about them. We are bloggers, photographers, documentarians and young visionaries on a mission to change minds before we can change the World!
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- Campaign
- Culture
- Depression
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- Opinion
- Polarization of Media
- Prostitution in India
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The Man who Couldn’t speak But Smile | Reason for working.
I remember meeting this gentleman like it was yesterday. Such was his hospitality and warmth. It all happened when I along with two other classmates decided to get a cup of coffee at cafe coffee day. Our food was brought to us by this waiter. He came and stood in front of us with the […]
Prostitution: India and the World
A Brief History… Prostitution has existed in all parts of the World at some point in time. Looking into its history is a mind-boggling task indeed. The earliest known account of Prostitution as a profession is found in the Sumerian records, dating back to 2400 BCE. The Ancient Near East was the home of many […]
Intolerance and how to fight it with Human Dignity.
I would like to begin with a statement. “We as a society have forgotten tolerance“. The rope that binds us to the society and with others is made up of many threads. Tolerance is one of them and it is missing. The rope has been weakened. It is only a matter of time before we […]
Vulnerability: Friend or Foe?
When we do not encourage vulnerability (freedom to make mistakes) in our social platforms, our workplaces, and our homes we stop progress. Being vulnerable is being free to make mistakes and learn from them. Being vulnerable is being truthful and without a mask in front of you. Being vulnerable is being tolerant of others.
The Greatest Question you can ever ask..
Our World has been shaped by individuals who have often asked questions other people didn’t know could be asked. People didn’t even know those were even questions until someone from among them stood up and raised a finger. “The Reformation“, as we know it now, was the era where people began asking questions. They looked […]
The quest to become a Homo Deus
“The genie is out of the bottle. We need to move forward on artificial intelligence development but we also need to be mindful of its very real dangers. I fear that AI may replace humans altogether. If people design computer viruses, someone will design AI that replicates itself. This will be a new form of […]
On the Streets of Meerganj | Prayagraj’s Red Light Area.
In an interview with two prominent NGO’s – Freedom Firm, Allahabad and the Guria Foundation, Varanasi that work to rescue women from brothels, both admitted to having been successful in shutting down the area. Though skeptic of this, I decided to visit that area recently on the lead of a friend who had earlier visited […]
Prostitution on the World map
Whether or not Prostitution is legal in a country is quite a superficial question. The subject of Prostitution is more like an onion; there are numerous layers to it. Exceptions are to be made and unsaid rules are to be followed in spite of the laws in place. Each country has a different set of […]
Honesty and Integrity
Two weeks ago I was asked by a doctorate student to speak on a topic that drew its theme from the book of Proverbs. I wanted to speak on Commitment. But, this topic didn’t fit with the given theme so I was asked to discuss this matter with the panel and confirm my topic. I […]
Craters are mesmerizing
I’m sure you must have come across an image of the Moon at some point in your life. This bright ball that lights up our night sky has many origin stories. Some say, it split away from the Earth as a result of a giant impact between Earth and another astronomical body. Others hypothesize that […]
When it’s hard to stay focused.
I have always planned things in advance and then come to a point where these things that once made me want to JUMP! out of excitement, don’t seem exciting any longer. I have faced this problem for the better part of my teens and still do now in my twenties. I have constantly found myself […]
#2. The Joy of making Music: Being Men and Women in a world that is becoming increasingly androgynous
Growing up in the 90s, I was often subjected to phrases like, ‘Women aren’t lesser than men.’ A decade later, I was entertained by advertisements that increasingly promoted gender enmity– “Why should boys have all the fun?” Despite being born and raised in a household that seldom made me feel underprivileged because of my gender, […]
Polarized News: The reality
Indian news media has come a long way, from the Monopoly of one news channel (DD news) to 403 channels in 2018. It’s interesting to note that news and current affairs channels account to a whopping 45% of the TV Market share. With the increase in popularity of regional channels in recent years, news channels […]
Deepfake: A Tool that can be used to manipulate you.
As the line between reality and fake goes on diminishing day by day, Deepfake is just beginning to accelerate the process. An open source software was started by a Reddit user called Deepfakes. What exactly is Deepfake? Deepfake allows one to swap a face on a video using artificial intelligence and its just beginning to display […]
#1. To the entitled millennials who are sometimes unable to afford the ₹300 sandwich (including me!)
In May of 2016, Buzzfeed came up with an article which deeply resonated with my being. The Urban Poor You Haven’t Noticed: Millennials Who’re Broke, Hungry, But On Trend. I was in the third year of my bachelors’ and had to struggle most evenings explaining where I blew up all my money, to my mother. […]
Broken Butterfly – Seasons of healing | SOWERS Lifestories
Believe in yourself. Use more common sense. Just because it is a golden needle, does not mean you need to poke your eyes with it! Have a small circle with whom you can be your most genuine self. BE REAL NO MATTER WHAT!